世界级软件开发大师和软件开发“教父”Martin Fowler与Jolt生产效率大奖图书作者Pramod J. Sadalage最新力作,权威性毋庸置疑 全方位比较关系型数据库与NoSQL数据库的异同,详细讲解4大主流NoSQL数据库的优劣势、用法和适用场合,深入探讨实现NoSQL数据库系统的各种细节
名称: Rootkit:系统灰色地带的潜伏者(英文) 作者信息: 作者: Bill Blunden [ 英文 pdf ]
While forensic analysis has proven to be a valuable investigative tool in the field of computer security, utilizing anti-forensic technology makes it possible to maintain a covert operational foothold for extended periods, even in a high-security environment. Adopting an approach that favors full disclosure, the updated Second Edition of The Rootkit Arsenal presents the most accessible, timely, and complete coverage of forensic countermeasures. This book covers more topics, in greater depth, than any other currently available. In doing so the author forges through the murky back alleys of the Internet, shedding light on material that has traditionally been poorly documented, partially documented, or intentionally undocumented. The range of topics presented includes how to: -Evade post-mortem analysis -Frustrate attempts to reverse engineer your command & control modules -Defeat live incident response -Undermine the process of memory analysis -Modify subsystem internals to feed misinformation to the outside -Entrench your code in fortified regions of execution -Design and implement covert channels -Unearth new avenues of attack
Part I Foundation Chapter 1 Empty Cup Mind Chapter 2 Anti-Forensics Overview Chapter 3 Hardware Briefing Chapter 4 System Software Briefing Chapter 5 Tools of the Trade Chapter 6 Life in Kernel Space Part II Post-Mortem Chapter 7 Defeating Disk Analysis Chapter 8 Foiling Executable Analysis Part III Live Response Chapter 9 Defeating Live Response Chapter 10 Shellcode Chapter 11 Modifying Call Tables Chapter 12 Modifying Code Chapter 13 Modifying Objects Kernel Chapter 14 Covert Channels Chapter 15 Going Out-of-Band Part IV Summation Chapter 16 The Tao of Rootkits
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