顶级数学家和计算机科学家合著的经典著作被世界多所知名大学采纳为教材当代计算机科学方面的一部重要著作,TAOCP的前奏曲不仅讲述数学问题和技巧,更侧重教导解决问题的方法或平淡、或深刻、或严肃、或幽默的涂鸦,让你在轻松愉悦的心境下体会数学的美妙第二作者、图灵奖得主计算机科学泰斗Donald E. Knuth(高德纳)在接受图灵社区的访谈时如是说:“《具体数学》是一份‘纲领’,它的内容是我对于数学诸多方面应该如何教与学的思考。熟练掌握代数公式的基础技能,对我来说始终都是关键所在。这些内容在TAOCP里都有讨论,但只能是蜻蜓点水;在斯坦福大学的课程中,我得以深入更多的细节,而那些课程都被囊括在这本书中了。” 学习本书可以:1、学会怎样分析复杂问题:首先研究小的情形,然后加以推广求出数学表达式,找出其封闭形式并予以证明2、学会计算机科学中用到的数学知识及技巧,为学习计算机算法奠定坚固的数学基础3、挑战六大类500多道习题,锻炼你的数学思维能力
Table of Contents Foreword by David Meyer ix Foreword by David Ward xi Prefacex vii 1.Introduction 2.Centralized and Distributed Control and Data Planes Introduction Evolution versus Revolution What Do They Do? The Control Plane Data Plane Moving Information Between Planes Why Can Separation Be Important? Distributed Control Planes IP and MPLS Creating the IP Underlay Convergence Time Load Balancing High Availability Creating the MPLS Overlay Replication Centralized Control Planes Logical Versus Literal ATM/LANE Route Servers Conclusions 3.OpenFlow Introduction Wire Protocol Replication FAWG (Forwarding Abstraction Workgroup) Config and Extensibility Architecture Hybrid Approaches Ships in the Night Dual Function Switches Conclusions 4.SDN Controllers Introduction General Concepts VMware Nicira VMware/Nicira OpenFlow-Related Mininet NOX/POX Trema Ryu Big Switch Networks/Floodlight Layer 3 Centric L3VPN Path Computation Element Server Plexxi Plexxi Affinity Cisco OnePK Relationship to the Idealized SDN Framework Conclusions 5.Network Programmability Introduction The Management Interface The Application-Network Divide The Command-Line Interface NETCONF and NETMOD SNMP Modern Programmatic Interfaces Publish and Subscribe Interfaces XMPP Google’s Protocol Buffers Thrift JSON I2RS Modern Orchestration OpenStack CloudStack Puppet Conclusions 6.Data Center Concepts and Construct Introduction The Multitenant Data Center The Virtualized Multitenant Data Center Orchestration Connecting a Tenant to the Internet/VPN Virtual Machine Migration and Elasticity Data Center Interconnect (DCI) Fallacies of Data Center Distributed Computing Data Center Distributed Computing Pitfalls to Consider SDN Solutions for the Data Center Network The Network Underlay VLANs EVPN Locator ID Split (LISP) VxLan NVGRE OpenFlow Network Overlays Network Overlay Types Conclusions 7.Network Function Virtualization Introduction Virtualization and Data Plane I/O Data Plane I/O I/O Summary Services Engineered Path Service Locations and Chaining Metadata An Application Level Approach Scale NFV at ETSI Non-ETSI NFV Work Middlebox Studies Embrane/LineRate Platform Virtualization Conclusions 8.Network Topology and Topological Information Abstraction Introduction Network Topology Traditional Methods LLDP BGP-TE/LS BGP-LS with PCE ALTO BGP-LS and PCE Interaction with ALTO I2RS Topology Conclusions 9.Building an SDN Framework Introduction Build Code First; Ask Questions Later… The Juniper SDN Framework IETF SDN Framework(s) SDN(P) ABNO Open Daylight Controller/Framework API High Availability and State Storage Analytics Policy Conclusions 10.Use Cases for Bandwidth Scheduling, Manipulation, and lendaring Introduction Bandwidth Calendaring Base Topology and Fundamental Concepts OpenFlow and PCE Topologies Example Configuration OpenFlow Provisioned Example Enhancing the Controller Overlay Example Using PCE Provisioning Expanding Your Reach: Barbarians at the Gate Big Data and Application Hyper-Virtualization for Instant CSPF Expanding Topology Conclusions …… 11.Use Cases for Data Center Overlays, Big Data, and Network Function Virtualization 12.Use Cases for Input Traffic Monitoring, Classification, and Triggered Actions 13.Final Thoughts and Conclusions Index