名称: Beginning iPad Application Development 作者信息: 作者: 李伟萌 (Lee Wei Meng) [ 中文 pdf ]
“Beginning iPad Application Development” provides a comprehensive, hands-on approach to iPad development for aspiring iPad developers. The book is divided into three main parts: Part One walks the reader through developing their first iPad application while familiarizing the reader with Cocoa, Cocoa Touch, the iPhone and iPad SDK and the Xcode tools. Part Two will focus on the features and syntax of the Objective-C language which is essential for creating many iPad applications. Part Three will focus specifically on the features of the iPad and iPhone/iPad SDK and how the reader can best implement each of these features in their applications.
名称: Head First Java(中文版)(第2版)(涵盖Java5.0) 作者信息: 作者: 塞若 [ 中文 pdf ]
《Head First Java(中文版)(第2版)(涵盖Java5.0)》的图文并茂学习方式能让你快速地在脑海中掌握住知识。敞开心胸准备好学习这些关键性的主题:Java程序语言;面向对象程序开发;Swing图形化接口;使用Java API函数库;编写、测试与布署应用程序;处理异常;多线程;网络程序设计;集合与泛型。如果你想要看“一本正经”的书,去找其他的。但如果你真地想要好好地学习Java,你会需要《Head First Java》。这本书可是Amazon编辑推荐的十大好书之一!